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Young Male Driver Accidentally Forgets To Look Into P-Plater’s Car.
“It eats away at me, you know? There could’ve been hotties in there but now I’ll never know.” Young male drivers cop a pretty bad rap....
Staggering 83% of Star Wars Fans Would Trade Their Newborn For Baby Yoda
Previously, the conventional wisdom had always been that there is no stronger bond than that between parents and their newborn child....
Entire Gym Holds Breath As Old Bloke Decides To Walk Backwards On Treadmill For Some Reason.
Barry read somewhere that it works your muscles in an entirely different way, as well as working on your balance. But the main effect was...
Folau To Join Nightly News Team To Translate The Weather For Parliament, Rest Of Us.
“It’s a good system. Democratically elected parliament makes laws. Then god sets fire to some trees or some shit. Then Izzy comes on...
Shit There’s An Actual Quick At Social Net Session.
“We decided to get together and have a net session. It was just the usual group. Me, Simon, Dave and the others. All of us played a bit...
After Exhaustive Months-Long Selection Process, She Just Chose The Hot One
It was a gruelling process that went for months, with each bachelor vying to show how debonair, windswept and interesting they can be....
Actual Decent Bloke Says "Yewww"
It is the first ever reported case, leading to concerns that the affliction may have crossed over into the general population. For many...
Couple Looks Into Schools For Gifted Children After Baby Rolls Over A Few Weeks Early.
“I see here the average is 4 or even 5 months. Our little one is only 3 and 3/4 months. I think we’ve got a special one here” Edwin (32)...
Two Mates’ YouTube Session Started Innocently But Is Now Circling The Drain
“Yeah so we were having a few beers and we started watching videos of footy highlights. Flick passes. Mad tries and stuff like that. Then...
Local Killjoy Absolutely Flabbergasted By Early Arrival Of Xmas Decorations At Shopping Centre
"It's just absolutely ridiculous, and it upsets me no end. We haven't even had Halloween yet. I feel bombarded." Margaret Davis has had...
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