Jackson Davis (28) is a new father, and works at Douglas Jones Accountants. He's generally pretty happy with his lot in life at the moment, but he's behind in sleep due to his new parental duties.
A pretty bad bug has swept through his office. It feels like every minute of the working day someone does a ridiculously loud sneeze, blows their nose or is overcome by a coughing fit. It feels inevitable that he will be struck down with the illness himself shortly, and he doesn't feel that he can afford to get sick.
But the fact that he is one of the last survivors has planted a little thought in his head. Maybe he's strong enough to beat this thing. He's youngish and reasonably fit. Maybe he hasn't given his immune system enough credit.
He knows it won't be easy, but he has summoned a steely determination. He's bought some of those garlic, Vitamin C, Echinacea pills and downed more of them than is recommended. He's drinking a lot of water and is literally talking to his immune system, imploring it to rise to the occasion.
His particularly rousing style of motivational speech is an unholy cross between a stirring halftime speech in a grand final and something you would expect from a wartime general. Think Aussie Braveheart meets Craig Bellamy.
We questioned him as to whether he was overreacting, after we caught him yelling at the top of his voice that his lungs are steel springs.
"Overreacting? Do you have any idea how many of my colleagues have been struck down before my very eyes? We're losing a lot of good men. I'm not going gently into that good night. No way. I'm here to fight. And I heard that fighting a bug is often just psychological. So my attitude can affect my chances of survival."
While his effort can not be questioned, some doubt is now cast over its effectiveness. We have just received word that Jackson is "coming down with something", and may need to take a couple of days off work.
We will keep you informed as the story develops.