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Attempt To Make Much Needed Money On Classifieds Thwarted Again By Extended Family

“Hey sweetie. You know what? I reckon my Jamie would love a play table like that.”

Derek (35) and Rosie (32) Green have been short of money for almost a year now. They’re not about to be kicked onto the street, but a hefty mortgage and endless expenses mean that they have to keep things very tight.

Recently, Rosie has realised that they could free up some much-needed cash by selling some stuff that their kids have outgrown, and even some items that they haven't. Rosie is an active member of Forest Hill Mums, a Facebook page that is frequently used to sell things. And she had seen heaps of people sell things on that page before.

But almost as soon as she started advertising her stuff for sale, a fatal flaw in the plan emerged. A shitload of her extended family as well as a lot of her friends are members of that group. And every time she posts an ad, it is intercepted by one of her nearest and dearest who will kindly offer to take the item off her hands.

As Rosie explains, they are completely missing the point.

“They seem to think that I am selling this stuff because I’m desperate to get rid of it and I’m looking for space. Far from it. In fact, I’m even trying to sell some stuff that the kids still use from time to time. We need the bloody money!”

But they are caught squarely between a rock and a hard place. They don't want to have to announce to everyone that they're doing it a bit tough financially. Their view is that their financial position is their business only. They just want to sell their items and make some cash in peace.

But because they don't outwardly give the impression that they're struggling for money, people presume they must just be de-cluttering.

Rosie says that things have become ridiculous.

"So not only do they intercept our attempts at getting some money, they actually think they're helping us out. It's become comical. In fact, at one stage I tried to sell some of our kids' play equipment. Equipment they still liked to use from time to time. It was intercepted by my cousin, who said she would happily 'take it off my hands'."

"So now my kids want to go over to my cousin's place so they can play on the equipment that used to be ours, before we sold it for a grand total of $0 to someone who thinks they're doing me a favour! I need a new plan and I need it quick."

She just wishes there was a way to tell Facebook that she only wants strangers to see her goods for sale. And not the vultures that are related to her by blood.

We will keep you updated as to whether she ever successfully sells anything for real money. We are not hopeful.

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