“I always knew I had something special within me. I just searched deep within myself and there it was. The discipline of a Buddhist monk."
Damian Glover (42) works for one of Australia’s largest insurers in their head office. He’s always considered himself rather unremarkable. A decent worker, but not a star. However, as it turns out, he just hadn’t realised his potential.
Today, that all changed. He and his boss were going through a few documents, and his boss asked him use a paper clip to hold a few documents together.
There was a brief pause while Damian's boss looked for the final document. It would have been at least a minute or so, with Damian holding the paper clip the whole time.
Ordinarily, that paperclip would've been straightened in his hand, and then mangled to within an inch of its life. It was one of those ones with a plastic coating, so he ordinarily would've tried to bite that off too. However, we have received verified reports that Damian summoned the fortitude of one hundred men and somehow resisted the urge to do so. This is a feat rarely, if ever, previously achieved.
A jubilant Damian sat down with the Tribune to discuss his accomplishment.
"I've always been told that everyone is special. Everyone has something that they are better at than everyone else. And that it's just a matter of figuring out what that is for you, and tapping into that potential. I always though that was hogwash, especially given that I was convinced that I didn't have any special talents. But that's all changed today. That paperclip remained entirely undamaged for at least a minute or so, which is something that neither I nor anyone else I know had ever done before. This is big."
Word has spread rapidly throughout the company, and his heroics with the paper clip have earned him the office nickname "The Monk", due to his incredible discipline in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.
Damian is loving his new-found fame, but is somewhat concerned as to the new demands that he will face.
"So yeah the fame is great, and I'm trying not to let it get to my head. But yeah I've already noticed that when there's documents that require a paperclip and there is any sort of delay in getting the papers together, someone will start yelling out 'Where's the Monk?'. They expect me to rush right over, which I do. So I think I'm going to be in demand around this place. As pretty much all we do here is push paper around."
Everyone has something very special within them. Just make sure that you only reveal it if you are ready to face all of the consequences.