“Dunno man. Hindsight’s always 20-20 hey. In hindsight I’d prefer to be at home nursing this hangover in front of the TV or maybe hair of the dog or something. But I’m new to all this stuff.”
Martin Lunez (21) is a few months into his first ever office job. Everything has been going pretty well, up until this morning.
Martin woke up extremely dusty with a mouth that tasted like an ashtray and an empty wallet, before realising that he had to go to work.
Martin was looking forward to bonding with his colleagues about how shit they felt, and how much it sucked to have to work today. However, upon arrival, he came to a sickening realisation.
Nobody was there.
He asked the only other person in the office, the accounts guy, where the hell everyone was. As it turns out, everyone had taken today off to turn it into a four day weekend. Everyone, that is, except for Martin.
We popped into his office to chat to a forlorn young man.
“This is deadset embarrassing. I am the biggest noob of all time. This place is a ghost town and I’m here at work trying to keep my head up off the desk. Just kill me. Why didn’t anyone tell me?!”
The answer is that everyone thought it was too obvious, and that the opportunity of a four-day weekend was self-evident.
“Is that what they said? Self-evident? Man I feel stupid. And there’s nothing to do here because all my customers are enjoying their long weekend and the phone hasn’t rung once. Bloody great. I was wondering why everyone on Wednesday was asking what I was doing on the weekend. I thought that didn’t make sense.”
As you enjoy the second day of your second four day weekend in a row, spare a thought for old mate, who won’t be making this mistake again.