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Basic Bitches Suffer Severe Thumb Injuries Tagging Friends In Facebook Post Containing All Their Tri

OMG Jess, Michelle, Abby, Constance, Rachael, Holly, Amy Courtney, Erica this is so us!It's a Cheese, Gin and Chocolate Red Wine Acocado and Nutella Sandwich #nomnomnom

Billy Houtan (38) is a pastry chef and restaurant-owner . Despite the fact that his pastries and desserts are absolutely divine, he had been struggling of late to fill the seats in his restaurant.

The financial crunch of operating a struggling restaurant was starting to take a toll on his family. He knew he had to generate significantly more interest in his business, or he would have to close the doors for good.

He knew he had to take his restaurant in a bold new direction. And this is where his streak of marketing genius came to the fore. He had noticed that a certain demographic of social media users (namely 20 and 30 something women) are literally unable to resist commenting on anything that contains more than 3 of a particular list of words. Over time, he then simmered and reduced that list to the following key ingredients.

Yoga. Nutella. Bachie. Wine. White Wine. Red Wine. Rose-eh. MAFS, Avocado. Cheese. Gin. Chocolate.

Billy knew that if he could cram as many of those words into a dish (and, more importantly, into a social media post), he'd be onto a winner. He was quite frank with us about his latest creation.

"If I'm completely honest with you, it's a pretty disgusting dish. It's just a bunch of unrelated buzzwords smashed together for social media. I mean... I should be charged with crimes against humanity for putting Gin, Avocado and Red Wine anywhere near each other."

But Billy is a realist. The dish is easily his most popular creation. It went viral pretty much immediately upon being uploaded to his business' Facebook page, and hordes of women have been popping in to try the abomination.

"The strangest thing for me", according to Billy, " that I totally get why they want to try it. It has some of their favourite things in it. But what I don't get is why they don't admit it's disgusting once they take a bite. After taking like a billion photos, they tend to eat the whole thing, saying how delicious it is. But who am I to judge? If it means that some of them try some of my creations that actually taste good, then it's all been worth it."

When asked for a final comment, he just laughed and said "They've been talking about Ed Sheeran a lot lately. Might see if I can get him in a cake somehow."

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