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Man Starts To Think He Might Be A Robot After Another Poor Showing In Online Test Of Humanity

“There’s only so many of these things that you can fail before you have to ask yourself some very difficult and confronting questions.”

Lester Vernon was applying online for an account with an online alcohol delivery company this morning.

For some reason, the company was concerned to ensure that Lester was a human being, and not a robot.

According to Lester, he hates those bloody tests, and finds them very hard.

“Yeah they bloody suck. There was a couple of clear letters, but then there were lines sort of behind the other letters that sort of looked like an ‘x’ but also might’ve been nothing. Anyway I took a punt and got it wrong. Turns out it was nothing I spose.”

Lester has a horrible track-record with these tests, usually needing to try several times before succeeding.

“Yeah it’s embarrassing, man. Sometimes I fail a bunch of times in a row and the website gives up on me and locks me out of the thing I was trying to do. That certainly makes you think.”

It sure does. Lester is confronting the difficult reality that he may in fact be a robot.

“Yeah. I mean... I don't think I’m a robot. But obviously it’s a worry that I keep failing the human being tests. I don’t feel like a robot. I feel like a person. But maybe that’s just how robots feel. Maybe they don’t know they’re robots. Probably depends on how you’re programmed. How do you even know how you’re programmed? Maybe I was just programmed to think I’m human. Shit this is heavy.”

Poor bloke seems upset. Looks like he’s learning to feel things.

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