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Holidaying Dad Talks Garbage About Permanently Relocating To Current Holiday Destination.

“See I could open up a little suburban practice right here in Noosa. We’d save money on transport, because we could live really close to work. It'd be a big change, obviously, but we should think about it.”

Jerry Berzic and his family are currently enjoying a relaxing holiday in the sunny Queensland seaside town of Noosa.

Jerry has been having such a wonderful time that he has fallen into a habit that he adopts every time he has a decent holiday.

Jerry explained to his underwhelmed family, as he always does, that this is about as good as it gets.

“We could easily move here. Look at that suburban solicitor office. Sure, it’s got a Dennis Denuto vibe, and we wouldn’t have quite as much money coming in, but we could do it. Imagine living this close to the beach.”

Jerry’s kids would obviously miss their friends, but the idea doesn’t horrify them. His daughter Jenny reckons it’d be pretty great.

“I’d love to move here. We’ve been having fun, the weather’s great, I’ll bet the local school is chilled as. But it’s not worth thinking about. Dad always does this. He’s just talking shit.”

She has a point. We understand that he always does this. In fact, she informed us that the last holiday was the silliest of all.

“We went to Fiji. Honest to god. Fiji. And he was crapping on about how he could teach English classes and mum could sell coconut juice or some shit. I dunno. He just goes loopy every holiday and tries to think of a way to make the holiday never end.”

We understand the family’s next holiday is a scenic trip next year to Alaska.

That will require some A-grade mental gymnastics.

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