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Facebook Memories Kindly Reminds Woman Of What A Punish Try Hard She Was 7 Years Ago.

“Apparently I was really into The Voice. Enough to write a status about Karise Eden. Who was I?”

Amna Kumar (29) was munching on her breakfast this morning when she received a Facebook notification of the worst kind. It was a reminder that, in 2012, she was a very vocal enjoyer of The Voice.

The Facebook status in question was in the following terms.

“Karise Eden YESSSS You do you girl that was off the freaking chain!!”

Amna spoke of her horror at seeing such clear evidence that, exactly 7 years ago to the day, she was a giant punish try hard.

“It makes me feel physically ill, you know? That I would write something like that. Who the hell was I?”

She hadn’t been this embarrassed about a Facebook memory since “Yeww exams finished let get our drank on babbyyy” and the train-wreck that was her Kony status.

And it has led her to somewhat of an existential crisis.

“If I didn’t know I was a try hard then... and it’s only with hindsight that I see it....What am I actually like now? Am I just as bad? And I just don’t know it?”

She frantically scrolled through her recent posts, to ascertain whether they were lame. And to her extreme relief, they were all gold. She is extremely confident that her recent statuses about her “squad” and “wine time” will age well.


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