Mary used to love the office environment. She would pop into colleagues’ offices to shoot the breeze, discuss work she was doing for various customers and suppliers or just talk about upcoming plans for the weekend. Since the whole COVID thing, most of the office introverts have been staying home and working from there. Mary really misses them.
Mary Allen always has loved the office environment. It’s her home away from home. She just loves having a chat with her colleagues, often popping into their office to break up the monotony of her day.
However, since the whole COVID thing, her workplace has become a lot more flexible, and anyone who wants to work from home is free to do so.
According to Mary, it’s unfortunately become really hard to find opportunities to wear people out with her bullshit.
“Oh I miss all the office introverts. I used to love just popping into their office and launching into long stories about my life. They used to love it too I reckon. I could tell by the way they would just quietly listen and nod. But now, sadly, they’re hardly ever here. They’ve all been working from home, and I’m sitting here at my desk with all these anecdotes and jokes to get off my chest, but no audience.”
While it has been a difficult time for poor Mary, it’s been a different story for the introverts of the world. According to Jane Thompson, a woman who Mary describes as her ‘Work BFF’, life is pretty splendid at the moment.
“Oh look obviously COVID is horrible and I hope they find a cure. But one positive side effect is that the extroverts are powerless against me. They can’t just pop in and suck my essence from me with their bullshit. I’m invigorated and productive. I hope I can stay out of the office forever.”
Jane has loved the fact that she can get up from her desk at home, make a coffee and head straight back to her desk.
“Oh I used to be terrified every time I went to make a coffee or a snack. I’d run the gauntlet, praying there wasn’t a lurking extrovert waiting to pounce on me. But there always bloody was.”
So to all you blissful introverts out there, spare a thought for your office extrovert, who is currently sadly lurking in the office awaiting your return with baited breath.